With Spring in the air…

With March even closer than just around the corner, I find myself pondering about…

Spring Break plans.   There are a number of work activities that are way past due, but I look forward to writing letters to a couple of friends, pruning the flower beds, and welcoming spring.   I want to sleep in on the cool morning and drink a cup of tea.   Though I know this area is prone to one last cold spell right before Easter, I think that, given the amount of rain we had this winter, we might begin a spring/ summer garden this year.   Our vegetables were SO tasty years ago, so unlike the  store-bought varieties, until I thought this a worthwhile investment in time and money.   My husband is even thinking about fruit trees.


Next school year.   Our oldest will move far away to college, and if the Lord says the same, our son will begin his dual enrollment season at the local community college.   He will still continue some of his studies here.  My larger concern, however, is that he is entering college a year younger than the oldest did, but the Honors Director who interviewed her will retire after this spring semester.   We wanted to continue to operate in the favor that has been ours for the last year or more, and so we decided to have him interview under the same director.  I’m as excited for him for him as he is for himself, but I’m also not ready to lose two babies in one school year.   Call me melodramatic on that one, but my nest is emptying way too fast.

Similarly, with just the youngest and I at home, all of those “when it’s just the two of us, we’ll…” plans no longer have an excuse not to happen.   She’s my outdoorsy one, and before we actually began school, I always dreamed of spending outdoor time on a blanket with books.   I guess I’ll have to get a blanket and a lap desk and get after it.


The next 6-8 weeks.  For the graduate, the list is long.  Our area actually has two homeschool graduations!   I left it up to the oldest if she wanted to “graduate” publicly, and even let her decide on the school name!   After all, His Way Home School has far more to do with focusing me on a direction than it does anything or anyone else.   However, His Way Home was fine for her, and yes, she wants the Cadillac with all four wheels.   That means that within the next month or so, we’ll need to…

  • secure invitations, graduation robe and honors tassels
  • compile an invitation list and mail all the notices to family and friends
  • plan a celebration for the after-graduation ceremony
  • take senior pictures
  • get a class ring
  • secure all final records for her college of choice
  • pull together memory boards and pictures for her table at graduation
  • put together a science project for her final competition
  • prepare for the final dance recital (and get the others ready in turn for an extra-special recital year)
  • help her with making her dress for the science competition

Those are just the highlights that swoosh through my mind today!

I just want to be a good steward of my time, and to take in God’s peace that passes human understanding in the midst of these exciting, yet fretful times.   To stay close to the Lord through it all, to walk with Him each day–this is my heart’s desire.


As a deer thirsts for streams of water, so I thirst for you, God–Psalms 42:1



In whatever He has anointed your hands to do, stay thirsty, my friends.

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2 thoughts on “With Spring in the air…

    1. Caroline, this was absolutely one of the best times of my life as well! I even blogged about it at one point. But being on the end of this event is a whole different story!!

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